Lowell Farms: A Cannabis Cafe
Lowell Cafe provides an on-site social cannabis consumption experience.
Potency recently visited Lowell Cafe in West Hollywood, the first cannabis restaurant in the United States. It opened in October 2019.
Cannabis social consumption sites are gaining speed in America’s recreational cannabis market. This amenity is a novel and exciting option for cannabis consumers who once thought the idea of on-site consumption could only exist in a place like Amsterdam, who first introduced the “coffeeshop” in 1972. Currently, each state establishes its own regulations due to the lack of federal cannabis legislation. Many of these state regulations are still in their infancy and are expected to evolve.
Details of the Lowell Cafe interior where customers enjoy food, drink, and cannabis.
While California is at the forefront of America’s stylish dispensaries and restaurants that allow on-site consumption, Massachusetts and Colorado are not far behind in popularity. It’s also not surprising to hear rumors that Oregon will soon follow suit. It’s an inevitable and growing trend that is projected to be the new normal in adult recreational cannabis culture. While there is little competition among these niche establishments, assuming a fierce market will emerge in the next decade will help your business make smart and proactive decisions when opening or operating a social consumption site.
As branding and marketing strategists who specialize in the cannabis space, we are not only considering past & current market trends but also how the future climate will appear. The best and most surefire way for your place of business to succeed and thrive in an unpredictable economy is to create an exceptional and memorable experience where consumers will happily invest their money, time, and time again.
Thoughtful and sophisticated environmental design is an essential component when curating the ideal space for your customers. It requires a meticulous and holistic approach to designing every detail that goes into the beauty, ambiance, sustainability, and functionality of your space, inside and out. Developing a truly great environmental design strategy for your business will call for an expert in urban planning, landscape architecture, and interior design.
These broader features can also be broken down into specialized details like historical preservation, lighting design, and the psychology of consumer experience. We design and curate cannabis spaces where employees are proud to work and where customers feel welcome and valued. If a brand feels distinguished, engaging, and purposeful, consumers will, in turn, feel comfortable and confident about investing in your business. Let us help you open your next dispensary, retail store, or social consumption site.
Photography by Potency