Part 1:

Preparing for the Event

This is one of a two-part Potency Insights series, which will provide some of our favorite networking tips in preparation for the upcoming 2019 MJBizCon in Las Vegas (December 11-13). We hope to see you there!

The Real Value of Attending a Cannabis & CBD Conference

Marketing your brand goes beyond an eye-catching website and catchy tagline. Showcasing your company’s attributes with deliberate face-to-face and meaningful social interaction will make a lasting impression on your audience and humanize your brand. As a creative branding and marketing agency, developing a confident brand voice and designing an attractive visual identity is our job, but attending social networking events and reinforcing the underlying passion and expertise of your company culture is up to you and your employees.

Form Your Strategy

Cannabis events and networking conferences, whether it’s B2B or B2C, are the perfect opportunity to show off the attitude and character that differentiates your cannabis or CBD brand in a saturated marketplace. It requires more than just buying a ticket and showing up; the investment is merely a slice of the cake! To make your company’s time, energy, and money worthwhile you will need to come up with an effective networking strategy beforehand so that you and your employees are prepared to market your cannabis brand confidently and authentically. High-profile cannabis events and multi-day conferences demand long hours and serious work, but they’re also a lot of fun! Be ready to socialize, learn new and exciting things happening in the cannabis industry, and listen to your peers’ experiences with an open mind.

Every company has their own methods and priorities when preparing for a cannabis event or networking conference. At Potency, we organized a simple and straightforward check-list that our team routinely follows:

Potency’s Top Five Tips

  1. Research speakers, vendors, and other attendees. Who do you hope to meet at the event? Are there potential leads? Do you need more clients? Make a list of the people relevant to your industry’s sector and find out where they will be and when they will be there. It’s all about being at the right place at the right time.

  2. Send e-mails. After finalizing your contact list, introduce your cannabis company in a friendly e-mail and let your recipients know how they can benefit from your products / services. Tell them you’re open to schedule a private meeting and be sure to include both formal and informal events / mixers you will be attending! 

  3. Establish a schedule. Making the best use of your time at these conferences is of utmost importance. Talk with the people you want to meet, attend lectures and mixer events, and walk the exposition floor — you will have limited time to do much else! Make this valuable networking opportunity worth your while by prioritizing your time. Organize an hour-by-hour calendar with reminder alerts. Don’t forget to immediately RSVP for events you wish to attend. Guest lists fill up fast!

  4. Prepare an elevator pitch and topics of discussion. Your team should have clear communication objectives and goals. Write an elevator pitch together and make sure everyone knows it by heart. A concise and consistent brand voice conveys a cannabis company with experience and self-assurance. In conjunction, memorizing a list of conversation starters will also break the ice in more informal situations.

  5. Gear up and arrive fully equipped. Your wardrobe for a cannabis conference should consist of both formal and informal attire. A style that exudes professionalism doesn’t have to mean boring! Wear something sophisticated enough to be taken seriously while integrating your own personal flair that differentiates you from the crowd. Finally, grab a handful of business cards and keep them in your purse or jacket pocket at all times.

If you would like to meet the Potency team at this year’s MJBiz Conference in Las Vegas, December 11th - 13th, let us know a good time to schedule a meeting together to discuss your cannabis company’s position, and how we can work together to get your brand where it needs to go! We are a creative agency that provides the cannabis industry with superior branding and marketing services to help your business stand out from the rest. We look forward to meeting you!
